Glorieta Adventure Camps
Santa Fe, NM
Updated August 7, 2023
Just up the highway from Santa Fe is a Christian conference property called Glorieta Adventure Camps and they just happen to have some of the best trails in the area. All trails are available to the public. This is one of my favorite places to ride!!!
Staging for the main trailhead is right off the hwy in the Glorieta Zip Tour parking lot. The parking lot is dirt and relatively flat. There is a main trailhead sign. The zip tours building may possibly have a restroom but not sure. Be prepared for no facilities.
The Trails
Baptist Bypass (aMTB1) - I have only ridden the section of this trail from Green Trail Loop to the connector that accesses Cairn Me up. I have not ridden the section from the staging area, but assuming it is consistent with the rest. Most adaptive riders should be good.
BB/JA/CMU Connector (aMTB1) - Did not run into any issues on this trail. No exposure and the impact is there.
Cairn Me Up (aMTB2) - Riders with front wheel drive and less experience climbing up awkward little rocks might need assistance here and there, but there is no exposure on this trail and the impact is there. I was able to ride all of this trail completely solo, but take a support rider the first time to see. Be sure to take the Electric Ave sections to bypass a lot of the trail.
Chili Dog (Not suitable) Anything is doable with a crew. I’m told this one will take some serious work. I’ll ride it someday and find out for sure if its aMTB3, but for now we’re saying not suitable for aMTB.
Chips and Salsa (aMTB1x) - This is a fast and fun flow trail with features. Its wide open and adaptive riders should have no problem. Everything is rollable. There are couple rock sections, so clearance and suspension are definitely recommended.
Electric Ave (aMTB2) - These might actually be aMTB1, but for the sake of consistency, since they can only be accessed via Cairn Me Up, they get an aMTB2 rating. You should have a support rider with you the first time anyway. These sections bypass about two miles of Cairn me Up.
Electric Ave 2 (aMTB2) - See above. There is a pinch point between two rocks, but there is an easy ride around to the right where it looks like it was used to get the machine through.
Glorieta Canyon (aMTB1+) - Wide open fire road used to exit Holy Molé
Glorieta Jump Line (aMTB1x) - Chips and Salsa Feeds right into Jump Line. Everything is rollable and it’s actually pretty fun even if you are not jumping. I did not ride the bottom section of this trail after the split with Part 2. I’m assuming it’s more of the same, but Part 2 is newer and more fun.
Glorieta Jump Line Part 2 (aMTB1x) - See above. Jump Line feeds right into this. Everything is rollable. There is a drop with a ride around. Honestly, it’s all pretty mellow if you are not jumping and feel like maybe the red rating is little overkill.
Green Trail Loop (aMTB1) - At first I rated this trail aMTB2 because there are a few tight berms at the end and some singletrack, but most adaptive riders will be completely fine. A lot of that has been updated since.
Holy Molé (aMTB2) - The first time I rode this trail I needed help, but the second time (four years later), it was no problem. There is right hand turn rock drop and some tight turns that may require assistance. Clearance and suspension needed. Bring a support rider the first time.
Look Out (aMTB1) - This is a DH trail with features. There are two sections: the climb and the DH. On the climb, there are a couple spots that could potentially be issues but most adaptive riders will be fine. On the DH, take the right fork for the rock garden. The left is off-camber.
Route 66 (aMTB1+) - This trail is built originally to be completely adaptive friendly with the most inclusive standards. Every adaptive rider, no matter what, should be completely fine. It’s wide open, fast, and fun with views over looking the I-25. Built wide enough for two adaptive riders, traveling in opposite directions, to pass each other.
Snack Pack (Not suitable) - I’m told the lower section, where the trail touches the road, is aMTB3 with some tight trees and off-camber, but the trail as a whole is probably gonna be too much work.
Treehouse (Not suitable) - Holy Molé feeds onto this trail, but I’m told it is pretty narrow and exposed. Best to just use Glorieta Canyon fire road.
Wakefield Road (aMTB1) - Recently redone and smoothed out. Long steep wide open fire road used to access Chili Dog, Holé Molé and Snack Pack. Make sure you have plenty of water and your battery is charged if you have a power assist.
Recommended Routes
For solo riders, its probably best to stick to Green Trail Loop, Look Out, and Route 66.
For advanced solo riders with rear wheel drive, suspension, and clearance, you will probably be ok on Cairn Me Up and Holy Molé, but maybe watch the videos below first to get an idea.
For Riders with support, you can hit it all. From the trailhead, I would start with Route 66 and ride it clockwise. After that, why not take a lap on Look Out since you are right there? It’s actually a pretty fun trail. Chips and Salsa is next, but to get there you’ll need to take Green Trail Loop to Baptist Bypass to the Connector to Cairn Me Up. Be sure to use the Electric Ave sections to bypass about two miles of Cairn Me Up. Its a solid climb. Enjoy the view at the top. Chips and Salsa feeds right into Jump Line. Have fun! From the bottom, take the road to the Wakefield Road climb and hit Holy Molé. It’s my favorite trail in the area. Enjoy! Thats a big day and probably enough. To get back to the trailhead, you can use Green Trail Loop and Baptist Bypass or just take the road.