Solo-Able Double Blacks at Mammoth Mountain
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Rating: aMTB2
I’ve figured out two double black routes that most adaptive riders can ride solo. It will take practice though. These are not aMTB1 routes and definitely need to be ridden with support the first few times. There are some potential dilemmas and it will take a few laps before being able to ride them without support.
Where you stage from depends on which day of the week it is and if you are climbing up or using lift access. If it is Friday, Saturday or Sunday, I recommend parking in the Chair 2 lot and using Chair 2. It’s MUCH better than the gondola because there are fewer logistics and fewer people. There are no facilities, but there is no one around either. I just pee next to my car. Also, make sure you carry a good strap with you, not just a bungie cord. Something thats cinches down is best.
If its mid-week, then Chair 2 will not be running. If you are using the gondola, the best place to stage from is Main Lodge. There is ample handyman parking and the best bathroom is upstairs in the gondola building. See Gondola section below.
If you are climbing up, I like to start from Canyon Lodge because that is where all the trails on that side end up. Again, there are no facilities. Riders come by every few mins so I just pee in a bottle in my car or on the trail. Girls, I have no idea how you do it. If you need facilities, Main Lodge or The Village are your only choices.
Chair 2 Parking Lot
Canyon Lodge
Main Lodge
The Gondola
If you are riding the gondola, Main Lodge is the best spot and its best to have a support rider with you who can help handle your bike. To access the gondola, you will need to ride through the retail shop for the elevator. When you exit the elevator, go around the building to the side door and alert the gondola crew that you are there. When you load the gondola, the crew will stop it. They have ramp if you need it. I like to just pop a wheelie, put my front wheels into the car and have someone lift me from behind. The crew will put your bike in the car behind you and your support rider’s bike in the car behind that. Be sure to inform them you are going to Mid Station.
At Mid Station, they will stop the gondola again for you and for your bike. If you are proficient at drops in your chair, you can just drop out of the gondola without a stop. If you have a wheelchair you will need to send it back down. The crew will take it form you, once you are in your bike. it will be placed outside that side door at the bottom where you entered. If it is late in the day and possibly your last run, the retail shop and elevator will possibly be closed by the time you return. Your support rider will need to go upstairs to retrieve your chair.
At Mid, if it is not already, you will need to have someone unlock the side door. The main doors have posts through the middle and are too narrow. Sometimes there is snow blower stashed outside the door and it will need to be moved. Once through the door, you will need to ride the stairs. Sorry. There is no other option. If you are riding either of the routes below, you should be able to ride stairs no problem. If not, I do not recommend them. From here you can access either route.
Riding the Shuttle
If you plan on riding to the Village and using the shuttle, you will need to communicate clearly with the gondola crew. Inform them you are going to the Village, to take your chair to the shuttle and to make sure to tell the driver to put it outside at the Village shuttle stop. If you do not communicate all this clearly, the chances of your chair not being there, are pretty good. If it is not, you will need to be carried onto the shuttle so its best practice to have a support rider regardless.
Your bike will go on the back of the bike rack trailer and it will take up five to six spots. If they have already begun loading, you will need to wait for the next bus. The driver will have bungie cords, but I prefer to carry my own. Its an extra step for them to go back in the bus to grab their’s. I also like to take control of the situation. The bus driver and shuttle station attendant like to both put the bike on the rack, but its more efficient if the shuttle stop attendant puts your bike on with your sup[port rider while the bus driver operates the lift and gets you on. Now, they don’t always know how to operate the lift and it only works half the time, so when your support rider is done with your bike, if they have not been able to deploy the lift, then its time to get carried on. At the top, have your support rider get your bike off while the bus driver deploys the lift for you. If they cant get it to work, the steps are actually wide enough form y chair. You might be able to just go down the stairs with help form your support rider. I’ve scooted down them before too and just transferred to my chair from the bottom step. Now you see why I prefer to climb up!
Note: We are working on having a wheelchair available at the Village shuttle stop for adaptive riders using the shuttle. Hopefully 2021 season.
Riding Chair 2
Everyone is different, but this is how I do it.
Roll up to the lift in your bike and let the lift operators know you are there. Have them stop the lift so that you can roll up to the chair close enough to transfer and so that they can still load the bike on the chair in front of you. The bike must go in front so the operators at the top can roll it you. Otherwise they will need a chair or something for you to sit in. Once the chair is stopped, roll up to and position your legs for transfer. Then have your ride support, or lift operator, shimmy your bike as close as possible to the chair. Its important to position your legs first, otherwise you will be too close and not have enough room for them. Transfer to the chair.
Before you let your ride support and lift operators load your bike, be sure to strap any belts and turn off any motors. Hand them your straps. Don’t forget them at the top. Every bike is different, but mine fits best sideways across the rack. make sure it is fully secure. While they are loading your bike, be sure to pull your legs onto the chair. The chair is so low to the ground that they will get caught underneath if you do not.
At the top, the lift operators will stop the lift to unload your bike and then again to unload you. Have them roll your bike as close to yo gas possible and then hold the chair to prevent it from swinging. Transfer to your bike and, if you can just do whats necessary to roll out of thew way. Once out of the way, then you can get all strapped in and ready to ride. Don’t forget to grab your straps and thank the lift operators!
The Routes
Trail: Velocity - If you are alone or just don’t feel like pushing it, there is a ride around to the right. If you want to go for it, the root section to the right of the spine is what I do. I’ve broken my bike on it before though.
2 - Monkey Wrench (Click HERE for GPS location)
Trail: Chain Smoke
Monkey Wrench is a rock roll to wood ramp with a critical line choice. There is small little stump that you cannot see until you are on top of it. You MUST get your left wheel on it or you will probably flip and there are high consequences. The first time I did this I was scared as shit, but its not bad at all once you get the line.
3 - Off-Camber Rock (Click HERE for GPS location)
Trail: Brake Through
Right at the beginning there is an uphill rock on a semi-exposed section, creating a slightly off-camber situation. Its really no big deal and almost not worth mentioning, but err-ing on the side of caution here. Get a spot if you are unsure.
4 - Series of Four Rocks Gardens
Trail: Brake Through
Just after the off-camber rock above, there are three rock gardens requiring smart line choice and problem solving. The 1st is the most difficult. The 2nd is featured above. There is a fourth further down the trail. Most riders can pull all these off with some creativity but bring a support rider the 1st time.
This narrow ramp on Flow looks to be about 33”. So that I don’t need to slow down I run my right wheel up the log. Some riders might need to stop, aim it up and get a shove.
The Flow Drop is gnarly and unless you have balls the size of watermelons you will want to skip it. Make sure you follow the sign for single black.
Just after passing the sign above, the ride-around for the Flow Drop traverses creating a slight off-camber spot. Most riders will bet fine. Get a spot if you are unsure.
Adaptive riders will need to get their uphill wheel over a root on the right to clear the rock on the left. Just after is a semi-exposed rock section that adaptive riders will need to pick their way through but most will be fine. Get a spot if you are unsure.
8 - Black Ramps Mean Mandatory Gap
Trails: Lower Twilight & Pipeline
Black ramps mean mandatory gap. Blue ramps mean roll-able. Take the blue ramps.
9 - Taj Mahal (Click HERE for GPS Location)
Trail: Smooth Operator
The Taj Mahal is a beautiful wood feature but don’t get carried away. If you carry any speed and get up on the wall, it ends in a sideways gap jump. Keep your speed down, stay off the wall and aim for the blue ramp at the bottom. Remember, black ramps mean mandatory gap.
Connectors & Bypasses
Lower Twilight Connector - Allows you to connect Lower Twilight easily from Chain Smoke if you are riding Chair 2. It’s super easy to miss. After Monkey Wrench (above), you will enter the last section of Chain Smoke. The connector jets off to the right on top of the 2nd table in this section.
Brake Through Service Road - Take this service road instead of Gravy Train around the lake to access Brake Through. The trail around the lake has a couple potential issues and is just not worth it. It’s flat and you are not missing anything.
Flow Fall-Line Shortcut - Take this to bypass an exposed section on Brake Through where you will most likely need help. It’s a little heinous, steep and loose, but you’ll be fine.