18 Road

Fruita, CO

Rating: aMTB1-2


This is my favorite place in the entire area. Fun, flowy downhill trails. Adaptive riders riding solo can lap Kessel Run. If you have a support rider, PBR is awesome!


Gravel lot with primitive facilities. No running water.


Kessel Run Laps on Trailforks.com
PBR Laps on Trailforks.com


Kessel Run (aMTB2) - Really fun flowy DH trail. Climb the road to access. Most riders will be fine but there is one narrow, slightly off-camber spot with slight potential for drama.

PBR (aMTB2) - Very similar to Kessel Run, fun and flowy DH trails. Most rider swill be fine, but there are couple spots possibly requiring assistance.

Prime Cut (aMTB2) - This is the climb trail used to access PBR. Unlike Kessel Run and PBR, which are both very close to being aMTB1, this trail is a true aMTB2 and most riders will require assistance in a few spots which are narrow with a soft shoulder.


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